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[긴급 호소문] 이라크 인질위기와 일본 자위대철수
일본정부의 이라크에서 자위대철수에 동참을 부탁하며
평화여성회   기사입력  2004/04/11 [23:05]

아시아평화연대 호소문


미디어를 통해서 이미 알고 있겠지만 아랍위성TV 알자지라에서는 목요일 밤(4월 8일) 사라야 알 무자히딘이 3명의 일본민간인을 납치하고 일본 자위대가 3일이내에 철수하지 않으면 이 인질들을 죽일 것이라고 경고하는 장면을 방영했습니다.

우리, 아시아평화연대-일본은 우리의 입장을 담은 성명서를 발표했습니다.(아래 첨부, 영문) 우리는 당신이 그 성명서를 읽고, 지지하고, 배포해 주시기를 호소합니다.

우리는 세계 모든 벗들이 일본정부가 이라크에서 일본군대를 철수할 것을 촉구하는 데 동참해 줄 것을 호소합니다. 우리는 당신이 이 문제에 대해 당신의 성명서를 발표할 것을 요청합니다.

일본 평화운동은 일본 정부의 자위대 이라크 파병을 미국 전쟁노력의 일환으로 보고 반대하였습니다. 그러나 일본인 다수의 반대에도 불구하고 고이즈미 정부는 파병을 실행하고 "인도주의적 재건지원"이라는 미명하에 이라크 남부 사모아에서 완전 무장한 보병을 주둔시키고 있습니다. 이번 일본 민간인 3명의 납치는 일본정부가 미국의 이라크 전쟁에 연루되면서 발생했습니다.

미국의 이라크전쟁을 반대하는 평화활동가들이 인질이 되었다는 사실은 우리를 충격으로 몰아넣었습니다. 우리의 다수는 인질로 잡힌 평화활동가의 친구들입니다. 노리아키 이마이(18세)는 "호카이도 평화네트" 소속 활동가입니다. '호카이도 평화네트'는 미국이 사용한 열화우라늄탄으로 핵에 노출된 이라크 피해자를 지원하는 '열화우라늄탄 반대 캠페인(NO-DU Campaign)'을 활발히 전개하고 있습니다. 당시 노리아키는 열화우라늄 무기 때문에 발생한 소아암을 조사하기 위해 병원을 방문할 계획이었습니다.

나호코 타카토(여, 34세)는 2003년 4월부터 독립적으로 바그다드에서 긴급 지원을 제공하고 있었습니다. 나호코는 지방 어린이, 특히 노숙어린이에게 담요와 옷을 제공했습니다.

소이치로 코리야마(32세)는 프리랜서 사진작가이며 저널리스트로 미군 폭격으로 발생한 이라크인의 피해를 기록하였습니다.

이들은 이라크인의 벗이었음에도 불구하고 고이즈미 정부의 파병으로 납치되어 생명이 경각에 달려 있습니다.

일본정부는 정치적으로 충격을 받았지만 인질들의 안위를 고려하지 않고 있습니다. 일본정부 후쿠다 야스오 관방장관은 '자위대는 인도주의 활동을 하고 있기 때문에 자위대를 이라크에서 철수할 이유가 없다'고 목요일(4월8일) 발표습니다. 9일 고이즈미 수상은 '우리는 부대를 철수하지 않을 것이다. 우리는 테러에 양보해서는 않된다.'고 말했습니다.

평화운동은 이 상황에 긴급히 대응해 4월 9일 아침 참의원 의사당 앞관저앞에서 집회를 가졌으며, 600명이 모였습니다. 우리의 주장은 일본정부가 미국정부에 잘 보이기 위해 한 정책이 3명의 민간인을 희생양으로 만들었기에 일본정부는 3인의 생명을 구하기 위해 즉각 자위대를 철수해야 한다는 것입니다.

집회 계획
10일 토요일, 12:00-13:00, 참의원 빌딩에서부터 수상관저까지
11일 일요일, 12:00-13:00, 참의원 빌딩에서부터 수상관저까지
12일 월요일, 12:00-13:00, 18:00-19:00, 참의원 빌딩에서부터 수상관저까지

우리, 아시아평화연대-일본은 일본정부가 이라크에서 자위대를 즉시 철수할 것을 일본정부에게 촉구하는 메시지를 여러분이 보내주실 것을 호소합니다.

아래와 같이 이메일을 보내주시기 바랍니다.

* 고이즈미 수상: jpm@kantei.go.jp

* 시게루 이시바 방위청 장관: g00505@shugiin.go.jp

* 일본 외무부 http://www3.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/mail/qa.html
(일본 외무부에 직접 메시지를 쓰려면 아래를 참조하십시요.)
- 외무부 웹사이트는 일본어로 되어있습니다.
- 일본어로 된 상자 타이틀을 우리말로 옮기면 1. 메시지 제목 2. 당신의 견해 3. 당신의 이메일 주소, 4. 당신 전화번호 5. 나이 6. 성별 (남/녀) 7. 직업 - 3번에서 7번까지는 선택사항입니다. 다른 항목은 채울 필요가 없습니다.
- 쓰고 난 후 메시지를 보내기 위해서는 바탕에 있는 왼쪽 버튼을 누르십시요.(오른쪽 버튼은 메시지를 지우는 것입니다.)

메시지를 보낼 때 아시아평화연대-일본 APA-J (ppsg@jca.apc.org)에 함께 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다.

1. 아시아평화연대-일본 4월 9일 성명서
2. 사라야 알 무자히딘에게 보내는 호소문
3. 호카이도 피스네트 고이즈미 수상에게 보내는 편지 (4월 8일)

1. Emergency Statement Concerning the Hostage Situation in Iraq

We Demand the Immediate Withdrawal of Japanese Military Troops From Iraq
and the Immediate Release of the Hostages
April 9, 2004
Asia Peace Alliance Japan

On April 8, three Japanese were taken hostage by a group of Iraqi
resistance fighters, who are threatening to kill them unless the
Japanesemilitary troops (Self-Defense Forces) are withdrawn from Iraq
within three days. We are especially shocked that the three are people who are
against the Iraqi war, and who have been working actively to stand on the
side of the Iraqi people.

This incident, coming after the bombardment of the SDF encampment
at Samawah, makes it clear beyond any doubt that Japan has become an
accomplice to the invasion of Iraq and, like the USA, an enemy to the
Iraqi people. On the 8th, the Japanese government held a press conference
on this incident. Chief Cabinet Secretary Fukuda announced that the government
would refuse to withdraw the SDF, and that the ruling Liberal Democratic
and Komei Parties supported this refusal. U.S. Secretary of Defense
Rumsfeld has praised this stand as “appropriate.” To maintain their
allegiance to the U.S. and to save their political interests the members
of the Koizumi government are thus ready to coolly sacrifice the lives of
the three young people. We find this unforgivable.

Asia Peace Alliance-Japan once again demands that the government
immediately withdraw the SDF forces from Iraq. At the same time we
appeal to the organization that has taken these three hostages to recognize
that Japan is not a monolithic society, that many Japanese have been
fighting against the U.S. invasion of Iraq and Japan’s support of it, and that
the people who have been taken hostage are also against the war and have
been seeking to act on the side of the Iraqi people. Do not take their
We believe in the possibility of solidarity between the people of Iraq
and the people of Japan.

This situation is the direct result of the Japanese government’s
support for and participation in the invasion of Iraq, and specifically
of the dispatch of SDF troops there. If the SDF had not been dispatched,
this never would have happened. This dispatch, besides trampling on the
Japanese Constitution, has made Japan a participant in the, under
international law illegal, U.S. invasion of Iraq.

Moreover, from the end of March this year all of Iraq has fallen
into a state of war. The U.S. military has surrounded the city of Falluja
and launched a full-scale attack on it supported by tanks and helicopters,
and has even bombarded a mosque, killing countless Iraqi people. The
situation is turning into a direct confrontation between the occupying
forces and the vast majority of the Iraqi people. The U.S. and its allies have now
turned the whole of Iraq into a war theater. To keep the SDF in Iraq in
this situation is a clear violation of the Iraq Special Measures Law, which
the Koizumi government itself made, that permits SDF operations only in
areas that are not combat zones. The Koizumi government’s claim that SDF
dispatch is for humanitarian support for reconstruction for the sake of
Iraqi people is only a smokescreen to hide the fact that it was
militarily taking sides in this war. The present incident, taken together
with the SDF base-targeted bombardment the previous day, has revealed this claim to
be an empty fabrication for domestic consumption. Of what possible use is
it to the Iraqi people to send troops with armored vehicles and heavy
weapons to deliver water and repair roads? NGO workers in Iraq warned time
and again that dispatch of SDF troops would make humanitarian work there
more difficult. The present incident has, unhappily, proved them right.

We do not wish to save only Japanese lives. Our hearts are pained
by the deaths of the many Iraqi people who would not have lost their lives
hadnot the U.S. and its allies invaded, and the people being killed and
wounded now, every day. We cannot forget that the SDF, as part of the
U.S. occupation force, also presents a threat to the lives of the Iraqi
people.We demand the withdrawal of the SDF in the hope that this will open
the way for the withdrawal of all the troops from other countries, and finally
of the U.S. military itself.

We appeal to the Koizumi government. The time to withdraw is now!

Asia Peace Alliance-Japan
Tel/Fax: +81-3- 5273- 8362

2. Appeal to Saraya al-Mujahideen
(This statement is being signed by a number of Japanese groups and
individuals and is being sent into various channels so that it will
reach right persons; please disseminate it. This statement has been sent to

We, the Japanese citizens opposed to the participation of the Japanese
military forces to the illegal attack on the people of Iraq by the
United States and Great Britain, call upon Saraya al-Mujahideen not to kill
three comrades who share with us the same resolution to stop the
Japanese collusion. We do not accept your terrorist activities which only
provide fuel to state terrorism, but we want you to know that quite a number of
Japanese citizens are also opposed to sending the Japanese military to
support the occupation of your Country. The three Japanese under your
control share with us this belief, and to kill them will only create
hatred against you among the well intentioned citizens of Japan. We,
Japanese citizens feel solidary with the people of Iraq. Be patient, and give us
time to convince our Government. We call upon your patriotism to avoid
breaking the historical friendship between the Japanese and the Arab

3. Withdraw the Japanese Self-Defense Forces from Iraq
immediately!  Save three restrained civilians’ lives!
April 8, 2004
Hokkaido Peace Net

Prime Minister Mr. Junichiro Koizumi,

Three Japanese civilians were captured by an Iraqi group named Saraya
al-Mujahideen on April 8 in Iraq. According to the media reports, the
group issued a statement saying that the three persons would be killed if
Japan did not withdraw its troops from the country within three-days. Mr.
Noriaki Imai one of the three persons in custody is a member of our
Hokkaido Peace Net. Another, Ms. Naoko Takato visited us to report on the current
Iraqi people’s situation when she returned to Hokkaido recently. If the
Self-Defense Forces of Japan had not been dispatched to Iraq, this
situation would not have happened. Now it is clear that in Iraq there is
no "the non-combatant area" which is the words repeatedly used by the
Japanese government to justify the dispatch of Japanese Self-Defense Forces
to Iraq.(The law for troops dispatch states that the Self-Defense Forces shall
operate in non-combatant area’ of Iraq.) The Government should take the
responsibility for this situation and withdraw the troops immediately as
this was caused by its policy of following in U.S.-British government's

At the press conference on 8th night, Chief Cabinet Secretary Fukuda
said the Japanese government was trying its best to investigate facts. We
believe the top government priority is not investigation, but immediately
withdraw the Self-Defense Forces.

We strongly demand that Japanese government immediately withdraw the
Self-Defense Forces to save the lives of the captured.

Hokkaido Peace Net
Mr. Kiyokazu Koshida +81-90-7519-1731(mobile)
Ms. Hisako Nanao +81-70-5115-7037(mobile)

트위터 트위터 페이스북 페이스북 카카오톡 카카오톡
기사입력: 2004/04/11 [23:05]   ⓒ 대자보
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